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Spieth & Wensky Traditional waistcoat FLINTBECK gray koralle

Traditional waistcoat FLINTBECK gray koralle von Spieth & Wensky
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weitere Bilder von Traditional waistcoat FLINTBECK gray koralle
weitere Bilder von Traditional waistcoat FLINTBECK gray koralle
weitere Bilder von Traditional waistcoat FLINTBECK gray koralle
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Traditional waistcoat FLINTBECK gray koralle

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Spieth & Wensky Traditional waistcoat FLINTBECK gray koralle
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A chic traditional waistcoat for every occasion. Sporty with a hood and in a new refined mix of materials, this traditional waistcoat not only convinces folk fans but also those who love sport and practicality. The traditional waistcoat in grey-coral keeps your back warm, is simple, wears well and can be easily combined with many sporty bottoms.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 2940
Artikel-Nr.: 2940
Supplier: Spieth & Wensky
Material: 70% wool% 30% polyester, contrast 100% polyester, lining 100% cotton
Care: Pflege
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Supplier: Spieht & Wensky GmbH, Passauer Straße 30, 94130 Oberzell, eMail:
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