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Bavarian Long Leather Pants for Men

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Wear traditional lederhosen costume and enjoy the Bavarian way of life

If you always wanted a Bavarian outfit the rustic leather pants of the Alpine regions of Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland might be just the thing for you. They are the perfect Oktoberfest wear and in the right lederhosen beer tastes twice as nice as locals will readily confirm. A typical lederhosen outfit consists of lederhosen which can be worn with our without the practical and decorative leather suspenders. In these suspenders men look even more impressive and they are part of the traditional folk costume look. Lederhosen are part of the so-called tracht which is the traditional outfit style that has been handed down through the generations. The classic design and the solid make from top quality materials guarantees that you will get a lot of wear out of your leather pants. The lederhosen Bavaria ist known for come in smooth or buckskin leather and they are of course extremely strong and durable while being low in maintenance on the other hand. The leather suspenders which accompany these characterful trousers are often decorated with emboidery. The typical lederhosen are usually not full length trousers, but end above the knee with boys lederhosen often being slightly shorter again than men's.

A traditional lederhosen outfit can be worn on many different occasions

In Bavaria tracht clothing is still very much part of everyday life. Elements of it seep into local fashion, so that modern and traditional styles mix and mingle comfortably. A traditional jacket can be worn with modern casual jeans for example. This also makes it easy to find occasions to wear your leather pants. They are equally well suited for outdoor activities like hiking or for formal and festive occasions like attending church, weddings or local folk parties. And of course a lederhosen outfit is the quintessential Oktoberfest wear! Visiting the popular event in Munich you will see that a lot of visitors happily dress up in their nicest tracht outfits with the ladies showing their pretty dirndl dresses and the men looking adventurous in their leather trousers and decorated felt hats. These styles will never go out of fashion in Bavaria and events like the Oktoberfest help to establish the central role these traditonal clothes play in local culture in present and future days.

Finding your perfect Bavarian lederhosen costume

Whether you just look for a sturdy pair of lederhosen or want a complete set of tracht fashion - a good lederhosen store will offer you a wide range of typical Bavarian clothes. Apart from your trousers you can buy rustic socks and shoes to match as well as woolen jackets and nice check shirts. Men and women of all ages consult specialist shops to purchase not only their Oktoberfest wear, but the clothes that will accompany them through their lives. Boys lederhosen for example usually prove so indestructable that boys rather grow out of them than see the leather go thin. No wonder they are often passed on from older to younger brother or from father to son. But if you still need to equip yourself with your first pair, a specialist lederhosen store is the place to turn to. Wear them with pride and you will never look back.