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Spieth & Wensky Traditional waistcoat knitted black

Traditional waistcoat knitted black von Spieth & Wensky
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weitere Bilder von Traditional waistcoat knitted black
weitere Bilder von Traditional waistcoat knitted black
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Traditional waistcoat knitted black

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Spieth & Wensky Traditional waistcoat knitted black
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This traditional vest by Spieth and Wensky is comfortable to wear thanks to its material mix. The mix combines a high-quality Merino wool with a fibre that impresses with lightness. Modern by the zip has this knit vest with raised collar, in front also three small pockets. The beautiful cable pattern on the left and right on the chest is also repeated on the back. This vest suits a hearty outfit.
Availability: No longer available - sold out
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Article-Nr.: 3126
Artikel-Nr.: 3126
Supplier: Spieth & Wensky
Material: 60% Merinowool 40% Polyester
Care: Pflege
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11 Aug 2020


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Supplier: Spieht & Wensky GmbH, Passauer Straße 30, 94130 Oberzell, eMail:
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